Better late than never, my first Master's experience. Tuesday's practice round. The National is a beautiful course. Rolling greens, trees and flowers everywhere. You'd never imagine that there would be so much once you got inside. It seems a lot bigger from the inside. And once you're inside you're in a totally different golfing world. It's some kind of fairy land for golfers set off from the rest of the world. Once you're in there it's like nothing else exists.
So as you may infer from the photos, it was cold. Very cold, especially for Georgia in the Spring. Especially since Tuesday it was in the 40's - 50's and Wednesday it was in the 80's. Ha and all you Kansas people thought that only happened out there huh? We camped out at the 16th hole. Our view is the center picture. Here you frequently see turtles sunning themselves, as in the left photo. Also, on practice round days, the golfers will hit one real shot and then come down to the pond and try to skip their shots across. Lots of them skip tot he shore and then sink, some make it to the green, and one, by Vijay Signh actually made a Hole-In-One. Pretty good!