Friday, February 6, 2009

My Time at the Gym

So, as usual Brad drug me to the gym last night(I mean this is the most loving way possible) My desire to go to the gym is probably well known. I range from actually being drug to complaining and sulking. On two memorable occasions, I felt like going and asked Brad to get ready.(This really throws him off) Anyway, we were there last night and after I read on the bike for a while I decided to do a few weight machines then some ab work.

They have these neat little benches, that are inclined with foot holds, so you get a greater range of motion and don't move around right? Since I hate doing crunches, I've been holding a weight to my chest to make it harder and thus I have to do fewer. Right now I'm on a 10lb weight. My abs are in great shape, but you can't tell under the tummy fat I still sport. Ahh well.

So while doing my crunches on the bench and guy comes over to use the other bench(there are 2 and they face each other) He asks if I always use weight. And I said yes and told him why. He then told me that adding weight like that will add to your love handles. What?!? Now he seemed to want to be giving helpful advice, but addressing a woman's love handles is really not the way to go about it. Especially when he calls them love handles. Umm, can't you just say your sides? Are you looking at my love handles? Are they more than just sides now, you're saying this because they are love handles huh? Do I have a lot to love? Bastard.

He finished up by saying if I switched up my ab exercises then I wouldn't plateau t fast and wouldn't need the weight. He appeared to be in good condition, so maybe he should know. Maybe I should have said thank you, but he mentioned love handles, so now he's on my bad list. The bright side of this story is that I have decided I can no longer do crunches at the gym. It'll make me fat. It's always good to look at the silver lining right?


Amanda said...

Oh dear... So here's the thing. Either a) he's a bastard, or b) (more likely) he lacks a filter between his thoughts and his mouth... You're a little person...and since "love handles" aren't a problem area for you (as illustrated in your spots picture below) - he probably didn't think anything of using that term. If you're feeling the bastard angle though, I'll be happy to help...tell him to meet us behind the gym @ 7:36pm. We'll put some free weights in a sock or something.

Lindsay Blake said...

I like the free weights in a sock idea myself, but we'll have to meet out front the back is scary.